Our mission is to share what a wonderful and amazing experience taking CBD in its many forms can be. We are committed to providing our customers the most euphoric and efficacious CBD products at the best values around. Hemporia CBD full efficacious concentrated products are available in a variety of strengths and forms that will have the desired effects you are looking for.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at support@hemporiacbd.com
or call us at 763.710.7952.

  • CO2 Extracted CBD Oils

    Our carefully curated line of CBD products made with CO2 Extracted CBD oil are pure and efficacious. Since our products are among the highest concentrations of CBD oil extract available, they can be used in a variety of ways and introduced into the diet through many interesting and enjoyable ways.

  • Sourced from Organic Hemp

    Our products are third party laboratory tested & quality certified, thereby guaranteeing every product in our line is free of impurities, solvent residues, fillers and/or unwanted contaminants. What is stated on our labels is exactly what you will find in the product, nothing more, nothing less.